Borderless Commodities

Unlocking Borders, Creating Business

We are your trusted source for agriculture commodities such as sugar, soybeans, corn, coffee, as well as gold, fuel, chicken! We always value quality and, therefore, you can always expect the best products, as well as their authenticity. Feel free to contact us and discover a trust global business of commodities.

Some Of Our Commodities

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We work with ICUMSA 45, ICUMSA 150 and ICUMSA 600/1200. Know that we have it Cif, DDP and OTG in the USA.

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Have access to the most known types of fuel on the market, such as EN590, JetA1 and Ethanol. We work with TTT, TTV and Barcode.



You will find soybean GMO grade 2 and Non-GMO, also soybean oil with the best qualities and exportation standards.

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We have chicken paws, feet, mjw, grade A from the best suppliers from Brazil, so you have a guaranteed quality in all of our options.

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We have corn GMO from Brazil, Cif. It also adheres to rigorous international standards and has a balanced nutritional profile.

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We work with iron ore, manganese ore, gold metal, aluminum and others with the safiest way to negociate it. We also work on demand, contact us.

Discover Borderless Commodities

Find out a little more about us

     Our work is to offer global commodities solutions and connections with high quality products. We guarantee trust, commitment and excellence in all deals, which will guide to successful negotiations.
    Our team is made by qualified and compromised specialists who always are well-informed and inside this market.

Our suppliers work with the best brands of the market!

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Contact Us


We have different procedures for each one of the commodities, so if you want to know our procedures for a specific commodity, please feel free to contact us in the form below.

We can export commodities for almost all the countries in the world, with just a few exceptions. We can serve the Americas, Middle East, Africa and Asia.

We work according to ICC standards, which allow up to 5 working days. We always try to respond in the shortest possible time, but you must know that before responding to any document, compliance/due diligence is carried out at the purchasing company, if successful, the document is responded to.


Since the existence of scammers in this sector has grown a lot in recent years, such as people pretending to be buyers, who cannot prove funds, this has caused great damage to relationships on both sides, real sellers and buyers. Therefore, we are very strict with our procedures regarding documentation, proof of funds, proof of product and inspect. If there is any suspicion, negociation will be immediately closed without prior notice.